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VINCENT, Levinus

Elenchus tabularum, pinacothecarum, atque nonnullorum cimeliorum in gazophylacio = Description abregée des planches, qui représentent les cabinets & quelques-unes des curiosités, contenuës dans le théatre des merveilles de la nature
aux dépens de l'auteur
€1.800 - €2.400

In-4°, [22] - 52 pp, two title-pages (Latin/French), each with a title-vignette, an engr. front. by J. v. Viane after R. de Hooghe, one unnumb. fold. plate by A. van Buijsen and 7 numb. fold. plates representing the different closets of the collection. 20th century vellum binding

"Finely illustrated catalogue of one of the most beautiful cabinets of curiosities compiled during 40 years by the rich Dutch designer and merchant of luxurious textiles L. Vincent (1658-1727). He collected both naturalia (shells, insects, corals, birds, lizards and small mammals) as artificialia. Vincent had one of the foremost Wunderkammern in Holland visited by among others Tsar Peter the Great and King Charles III of Spain. The plates had been published earlier as ""Wondertooneel der Nature"" in 1706. Ref. Rooms of wonder, New York, The Grolier Club, 2012, n° 96"