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c. 1480]
140 by 105mm, 212 leaves (plus modern paper endleaves, one with a seventeenth-century etching pasted to it; another similar devotional etching tipped in at midpoint of book), collation impracticable, but wanting leaves from beginning and end and 8 single leaves throughout, written in a single column of approximately 15 lines in a series of late medieval vernacular hands, capitals touched in red, rubrics and simple initials in red, the larger initials with blank paper designs left within their bodies, one red initial towards end of volume with a drawing of a fool's and a swine's head (these probably later), some spots, stains and signs of wear, back board coming away from text block at base (but this exposing binding structures to show binding has not been restored), overall good condition ; in original Flemish panel-stamped binding sewn on three sets of large double thongs, the boards with rows of flowerheads enclosing an innermost frame with an inscription (mostly illegible), two working (and probably original) metal clasps, scuffs, cuts and wear to binding, some cracking at edges of spine, modern white pen ""148"" to spine
This charming little book contains a large collection of hymns, extracts from Hosea, Exodus and the Passion Reading from John followed by commentaries on those, Offices with instructions for the user to follow the events in the service, prayers including those to SS. Paul the Apostle, Andrew, James, Jordan (""Ioryden""), Cornelius, Quirinus, Francis (multiple prayers, the first opening ""onsen heiligen vader franciscus"", indicating Franciscan use), Augustine, Ambroise, Jerome, Bernard, Simon, Bartholomew the Apostle, Matthew the Evangelist (multiple prayers), the Creed, the Magnificat, the Hours of St. Anne, with the Seven Prayers attributed to her, the Hours of St. Catherine, the Hours of St. Barbara, meditations on the life and name of Christ and other offices